
KIN & Meanderings: Acoustic Measurings of the City

Show 852 – KIN | Laboratorio radiofonico e performativo a Santarcangelo Festival 2050 (USMARADIO)


KIN by Usmaradio / Roberto Paci Dalò is a radio and performative project with laboratory sessions of The School of Radio. The town of Santarcangelo di Romagna is occupied with the broadcasting of a schedule composed of materials by the artists present at the Santarcangelo Festival (the 51 years old festival devoted to experimental performing arts), citizens and original materials created by the working group. All spread in public and private space with listening spots, improvisations, electronics, remote collaborative radio performances with artists not physically present at the festival.

“The undifferentiated mass is expressed with a single voice, with slogans repeated in unison, so that the individualities blend vocally. Plurality, on the other hand, is expressed in a plurisonic way, producing not a single voice and not even a cacophony, but what I call a pluriphony, where each singular voice retains its uniqueness and reverberates with each other. " (Adriana Cavarero). Scriptures and guiding voices are those of John Cage and Donna Haraway.

KIN team
Benedetta Bronzetti, Teresa Chiauzzi, Irene Dani, Bárbara Ermeti, Sara Guazzarini, Alessandro Mazzoni, Domenico Martinese, Alice Molari, Roberto Paci Dalo, Paolo Petrangolini, Alessandro Renzi, Lorenzo Salvatori, Margherita Wolenski.

participants / authors
Vittoria Assembri, Verdiana Benatti, Oreste Campagner,  Martina Conte, Luca Gallio, Dania Grechi, Domenico Martinese, Lucrezia Nediani, Roberto Paolini, Cristina Previtali,  Riccardo Santalucia, Giulia Savorani, Matilde Solbiati

Andrea Borgnino, Daria Corrias, Gabriele Frasca, Ilaria Gadenz, Gianni Gozzoli, Carola Haupt, Wissal Houbabi, Graciela Martínez Matías, Mauro Pescio, Rodolfo Sacchettini,  Elisabeth Zimmermann

production Usmaradio, Giardini Pensili
in collaboration with Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino, Comune di Pesaro, Radio Papesse, ImperfettoArt , Radio Lada, Scuola comunale di musica G. Faini – Associazione Banda Musicale Città di Santarcangelo, TeamBòta, Ven èulta Santarcangelo, Centro studi e ricerche José Bleger, Fablab Romagna
media partner RAI Radio Techete'

radioworks's excerpts for this Radia programme (running order)
1. "Nino" a live session dedicated to italian poet Nino Pedretti (1923-1981); sounds by Riccardo Santalucia, Luca Gallio, Alessandro Mazzoni with the voices of Nicoletta Fabbri and Santarcangelo's inhabitants
2. "Respiro" (on background)
3. "Chiroptera FM"; voice and sounds by Riccardo Santalucia, Luca Galio, Dania Grechi, Domenico Martinese, Irene Dani, Alessandro Mazzoni, Vittoria Assembri
4. "Final Jam session" within all "Kinners"

> Podcast area of KIN – Santarcangelo Festival

> Santarcangelo Festival official website

Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Radiofonia (CRIR) / Interdepartmental Research Centre for Radio Studies, a workplace of The School of Radio to develop an innovative radio pedagogy. Workshops, work sessions, meetings, presentations of live performance as sections of the project. Produced by UNIRSM | Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino.
usmaradio.org / theschoolofradio.org / unirsm.sm

Show 0705: Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City. (Radio Helsinki)

“Mäanderungen – Akustische Vermessungen der Stadt”
“Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City.”

By and with Nayarí Castillo, Reni Hofmüller, Miriam Raggam, Hanns Holger Rutz for Radio Helsinki, Graz

The city is the place where we live. The design of the city seems to pretend who is moving in it. “Meandering” is an acoustic suggestion to develop other forms, in real physical space as well as in the imagination.

Part of the material production is based on the interpretation of different spatial realities such as facades or columns. They are photographed, signed, recorded by means of sensors or by pressure and processed with text fragments into a composition that manifests itself both as a radio-listening piece and in the form of a spatial installation.

“Developing and allowing for an exploratory process that corresponds to one’s own, peculiar, subjective, just-happening, use-free, exploratory walking, being, moving in the city, and making that audible. Admitting idiosyncratic ways of urban space viewing, introducing unusual measurement units that apply briefly, and then no longer allow themselves to be distracted, and instantly recognize that distracting is only possible if there was a focus beforehand.
Achieving a state of de-optimization, circumventing the notion of efficiency, allowing moments of losing and losing, enabling a degeneration, a noise, a simultaneity of different realities, a series of condensations, a finding and losing, a series of instructions – for senders and receivers, translations of the visual, from tactile to sonic – with human language and metaphor, and with technical language – software, polyrhythms and polyphony, perception of time, the actors perceive as time units, 11 drops, speed / and rhythm, of facades, of own walking, of water, Imaginary Landscapes create and chaotic numbering, bring about collisions and understand the (own) body as a surveying device and use, lying on the sidewalk and hear the channel grille laugh, visible and invisible and the Change color.
From this we can develop ideas for a generator, a machine that is fed with all these materials and produces a variation or variations of a radio play. ”
(Introduction from the score to meanderings)

lime_lab | Installation
Mäanderungen – Akustische Vermessungen der Stadt
“Meanderings. Acoustic Measurings of the City.”

התכנית שודרה בתאריך 31/07/2021
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