
Silence to Language by Natacha Orestes + Crown

CROWN (Radio Papesse + Usmaradio)

It has been many months now that we’ve all been asking ourselves : how’s life in the time of viruses? The answers have been constantly changing and probably still will.

During the long months of lockdown in Italy, Radio Papesse joined forces with the artists and producers at USMARADIO and became an amplifier for the CROWN project. Like many others, fighting the lockdown through radio.

So… what’s happened exactly?
For 30 days, every day, artists from all over the world came together for a live improvised session of radio, music, words and sound experiments together with Roberto Paci Dalò.

To play together from different locations, yet united through radio.
To listen together, from different locations, thanks to the medium of radio.

This RADIA show presents bits and pieces from some of the CROWN sessions, sewn together by fragments of a long conversation with Roberto Paci Dalò.


Included in this show are excerpts from:

CROWN n.11 _ Johann Merrich / L’Impero della Luce
CROWN n.30 _ with Lello Voce
CROWN n.22 _ with Paolo Dellapiana
CROWN n.23 _ with Zahra Mani


Show 0773: Silence to Language by Natacha Orestes (Radioart106)

Natacha Orestes aka #ProjetoHisteria is a lesbian mother artist who mixes her communication skills as a copywriter/creative planner/social media analyst and also her self-taught DJ abilities with the purpose of creating global awareness to the resistance of females in Latin America through art and technologies.

Her goals as a Brazilian activist is to withdraw a law (12.318/2010) based on Gardner’s pedophile theories (which defines and punishes parental alienation),

and to abolish child marriage in Brazil.

In Brazil, official data clearly shows that the most dangerous place for a child is their home. More than 50% of reported rapes are against children, 80% of these children are abused in their houses and 50% by fathers/fathers in law. The other 50% are raped by other male family members.

Produced by Meira Asher (radioart106) for radio.fm











White House – Bird Seed // LIJEL – sub.ob.e.jct // Meira Asher – Good to Go (feat. Anita Jackson, Mahade Pako, Chris Conteh) // MC Carol – Não Foi Cabral // Pago Funk – Se Prepara, ananindeusa tambatajá

Elza Soares – Firmeza (MARGINAL MEN BADSISTA Official Remix).

התכנית שודרה בתאריך 22/08/2020
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